Sample of Lectures Presented

Arbitrating Complex Business Disputes

July 2020, (to be delivered)

New Orleans Bar Association, Panelist

Charting a Course in Unfamiliar Waters - Tips for Winning Your Case in Arbitration

December 2019, New Orleans
Louisiana Bar Association, Panelist

Recent Developments in Arbitration Jurisprudence

September 2019, Houston
Houston Bar Association

Morning at the Federal Courthouse, Preparing Yourself for Success in Your Practice

June 2019, New Orleans

Federal Bar Association, Panelist

10 Tips to Keep Arbitration Fair & Efficient for Your Client with Recent Jurisprudence Updates

April 2019, New Orleans
Louisiana Bar Association, Co-Presenter

Arbitration: Emerging Developments We Didn't Quite Expect

2017, AAA Live Webinar
ABA Health Law and Dispute Resolution Sections

The Use of Arbitration in Healthcare Cases

March 2017, Webinar
ABA Health Law Section, sponsored by the Litigation and Long-Term Care IGs

What’s In and What’s Out: Recent Developments In Arbitral Jurisdiction

December 2016, AAA Live Webinar

Crossing the Line: New Developments in the Law of Arbitral Jurisdiction

March 2016
AAA/ICDR Neutrals Conference

ACI’s Annual Advanced Forum on Managed Care Disputes and Litigation - Managed Care Litigation Mock Arbitration Session

May 2015, Chicago
American Conference Institute 

How to Best Advocate for Your Client in Arbitration and Mediation

December 2014
New Orleans Bar Association 

The 10 ½ Biggest Mistakes to Make in an Arbitration and the 11.38 Things to Do Right

September 2014
New Orleans Bar Association 

Arbitrating Cultural and Heritage Disputes as to the Unique Nature of Arbitration of Title, Ownership, and Possession of Rare and Highly Valuable Artworks

December 2013
AAA Webinar

What’s Next for Healthcare Dispute Resolution?

April 2013, Chicago
15th Annual ABA Section of Dispute Resolution Spring Conference

Arbitration Training: Arbitrating a Health Law Case

October 2012, Minneapolis
American Health Lawyers Association and Hamline University School of Law

The Bridge Between Judicial Management of Cases and the ADR World

March 2012, Lafayette, Louisiana
2012 Spring Judges' Conference of the Louisiana Judicial College

The Arbitration Process

February 2012, New Orleans
The American College of Legal Medicine

Practical Tools to Maximize Arbitration for your Client

February 2012, New Orleans
Louisiana Bar Association

Best Practices to Effectively Represent Your Client in Arbitration (And in Drafting the Arbitration Agreement)

December 2011, New Orleans
New Orleans Bar Association

The Science and Psychology of Professional Relationships

December 2010, New Orleans
Annual Estate Planning Conference, Loyola University College of Law

The 10 Most Important Issues in Professional Contracts

December 2010, New Orleans
LSU School of Dentistry

Judge Alvin B. Rubin: A Life of Ethics and Professionalism

May 2010 , New Orleans (link to article)
18th Annual Judge Alvin B. Rubin Symposium, Federal Bar Association, New Orleans Chapter

Dealing with Delay Tactics in Arbitration

March 2010, New Orleans
American Arbitration Association

The Science and Psychology of Professionalism

March 2009, New Orleans
Louisiana State Bar Association Tax Section

The Enforceability of Contractual Agreements to Arbitrate: A Survey of the Last Three Years of Jurisprudence

December 2008
New Orleans Bar Association Procrastinators' Program

Recent Developments in the Law of Arbitration

November 2008 and December 2008, New Orleans
Louisiana State University Law School

Effective Arbitration of Health Care Disputes

June 2008
National Teleconference sponsored by the American Bar Association Health Law Section and ABA Center for Continuing Legal Education, Panelist and Speaker

The Difficult Negotiation - Professionalism for Better Results

April 2008, New Orleans
Louisiana State Bar Association Health Care Fraud Seminar 

Arbitration Basics

May 2007
Chartered Financial Analyst Society of New Orleans 

Louisiana Health Care Fraud Laws and Recent Developments

May 2007, New Orleans
American Bar Association 17th Annual National Institute on Health Care Fraud, Moderator

Professionalism in Tax Practice

October 2007, New Orleans
Tulane Tax Institute

The Importance of Community Legal Preparedness Planning

March 2006, Indianapolis
Summit on Public Health and the Law

Hurricane Katrina: Legal Responses and Lessons Learned

February 2006, Tucson
American Bar Association Emerging Issues in Healthcare Law 2006, Plenary Session

Health Impacts of Katrina and Rita: The Lingering Aftermath

February 2006
National TeleConference sponsored by the American Bar Association, Health Law Section and Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources, Panelist

A.C.E. Presentation on "Chairing the Arbitration Panel"

December 2005, New Orleans
American Arbitration Association

Professional Relations in Healthcare Enterprises: Structure of the Health Care Enterprise

April 2005, New Orleans
LSU School of Public Health

Ethics for the Healthcare Lawyer

December 2004
National CLE TeleConference and Live Audio Webcast for ABA

Ethics and Professionalism for Advocates in ADR

December 2004, New Orleans
American Arbitration Association

Professionalism in Healthcare Representation

November 2004, New Orleans
Louisiana Society of Hospital Attorneys

Public Relations Society of America

September 2004, Baton Rouge
Panel on "Ethical Issues in the Legal Profession”

Inter-relationship of HIPAA and LA Law Regarding Privacy of Medical Records

August 2004, New Orleans
Orleans Parish School System, Executives and Administrators

Relationship of HIPAA to Privacy of Student Medical Records

August 2004, New Orleans
Orleans Parish School System, Executives and Administrators

Analysis of Key Provisions of Health Care Contracts

February 2004, New Orleans
University of New Orleans, College of Business

The Science and Psychology of Professionalism

December 2003, New Orleans
Louisiana Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers  

Ethics in Arbitration and Negotiation

September 2003, Dallas
American Arbitration Association

The Basics of Compliance, Fraud and Abuse

August 2003, San Francisco
American Bar Association Annual Meeting 2003: Fundamentals in Health Care Law

Qui Tam, Compliance, and Self-Referral Issues Under Federal and State Laws

April 2001
Tulane Medical School, Internal Medicine Department

Tax, Limited Liability, and Management Issues in New Entity Formation: Comparison of L.L.C.s, Partnerships, and Corporations

April 2003
LSU Masters of Public Health Program

Professionalism in Representation of Health Care Clients

February 2003
LSU Law School

Current Significant Issues in Malpractice Insurance and Claims Against Health Care Providers (Moderator)

December 2002
Health Law Section, Louisiana Bar Association

Professionalism in Representation of Health Care Clients

November 2002, New Orleans
Louisiana Hospital Association, 13th Annual Health Law Symposium

Ethical Duties of Lawyers and Arbitrators During Negotiations and Alternative Dispute Resolution

October 2002
American Health Lawyer's Association, Physician and Physician Organizations Law Institute

The Non-Signor Cases:  A Review of Jurisprudence In Which Parties Have Been Compelled to Arbitrate Even Though Not a Party to an Arbitration Agreement

July 2002
American Arbitration Association

Professional Relationships in Healthcare Enterprises

January 2002, New Orleans
Louisiana State University MPH Program

Negotiation and Drafting of Physician Employment Contracts

December 2001, New Orleans
Tulane University Medical School/Internal Medicine Residency Program

The Legal Face of Medicine: How Regulatory Structures Affect Hospitals And Health Care Systems

November 2001, New Orleans
Opening General Session, Tulane Schools of Law and Medicine

Moderator: Professionalism in Representing Health Care Clients Before the Government

October 2001, New Orleans
Health Law Section, Louisiana State Bar Association and Louisiana Bar Foundation

Contract Negotiations Within a Group Practice

August 2001, Snowmass, Colorado
Summer Cardiovascular Risk Reduction Symposium. Tulane University Health Sciences Center, Department of Medicine, Section of Endocrinology and Center for Continuing Education

Professionalism:  Effective Style and Tactics in Negotiations

May 2001, New Orleans
New Orleans Bar Association

The Physician's Guide to Contract Negotiations

April 2001, New Orleans
Tulane Medical School, Department of Medicine Fellows and Faculty

Professionalism in Negotiations:  Our "Groundhog Days" All Over Again

March 2001, Beau Rivage Resort, Biloxi, Mississippi
New Orleans Bar Association Bench and Bar Conference sponsored by Louisiana Appellate and Trial Court Judges 

Physicians & Institutions — Power Struggle, Corporate Practice of Medicine, Medical Staff Bylaws and Disputes, and Membership in MCOs

February 2001, New Orleans
LSU Medical School MPH Program

Health Facilities: Structure and Regulation, Facility Regulation, Licensing and Accreditation, and Non-Profit & Public Entities

January 2001
LSU Medical School MPH Program

Professionalism in Negotiations

December 2000
New Orleans Bar Association 

Current Key Issues in Health Care Law

November 2000
Master's Program, University of St. Francis, Illinois

A Summary of the Federal Anti-referral Statute: Stark II

October 2000, New Orleans
American Association of Nurse Attorneys, 19th Annual Meeting

Doing the eHealth Deal:  A Primer on Best Practices for Drafting and Negotiating

October 2000, Chicago
American Bar Association, Health Law Section Conference on eHealth Law 2000

Introduction to Stark II: CME Online

April 2000
(Disseminated through the Internet by a Consortium of Medical Schools including Tulane Medical School, University of Kentucky Medical School, University of Minnesota Medical School, University of New Mexico Medical School, and others for CME Credit to Physicians)

What Health Care Lawyers Need to Know: The Ten Most Important Issues In Physician Contracting: CME Online

March 2000
(Disseminated through the Internet by a Consortium of Medical Schools including Tulane Medical School, University of Kentucky Medical School, University of Minnesota Medical School, University of New Mexico Medical School, and others for CME Credit to Physicians)

Professional Relationships in Healthcare Enterprises

February 2000
LSU Medical School, MD/MPH Combined Degree Program

Key Issues in Contracts Between Radiologists and Radiology Groups and Hospitals Advances in Imaging, 2000

February 2000, Breckenridge, Colorado
Co-sponsored by Departments of Radiology of Tulane and LSU Medical Schools

Panel Discussion Moderator: Health Law from the Government Perspective

November 1999, New Orleans
Louisiana Society of Hospital Attorneys, 11th Annual Health Law Symposium

Stark II: Problem Solving from a Practitioner's Viewpoint

April 1999
Tulane Law School, Special Seminar on Health Law

Grand Rounds Lectures at Tulane or LSU Medical Schools: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Department of Pediatrics (Tulane and LSU combined), Department of Medicine, Department of Pathology, Department of Otolaryngology, Department of Neurology, Department of Orthopedics. Topics include Hospital-Physician Contracts, Group Practice-Physician Contracts, Managed Care Contracts, Medical Ethics and Introduction To Stark II

Hospital-Physician Contracts, Medical Staff Privileges, and Group Practice Agreements

March 1999
LSU Medical School in combined Degree MD/MPH Program

Significant Legal Issues in the Negotiation of Hospital Radiology Contracts and Radiology Employment Contracts "Advances in Imaging 1999" seminar

February 1999, Park City, Utah
Jointly sponsored by Louisiana State University Medical Center and Tulane University Medical Center, Departments of Radiology

Federal and State Legislative Initiatives Effecting the Physician

October 1998, New Orleans
The Radiological Society of Louisiana

Responses to Audits by HCFA, Medicare and Medicaid

September 1998, New Orleans
Tulane Law School/Tulane Medical School Fourth Annual Law and Medicine Conference: “Significant Current Issues in the Legal Regulation of Medicine"

Legal and Ethical Restrictions in Managed Care Contracting

September 1998, New Orleans
Tulane Law School/Tulane Medical School Joint Fourth Annual Law and Medicine Conference Seminar "Significant Current Issues in the Legal Regulation of Medicine"

Key Current Legal Issues Relating to the Practice of Medicine

April 1998, New Orleans
Tulane University School of Medicine, Radiology Department

Legal and Ethical Issues in the Current Health Care Environment

January 1998, Alexandria, Louisiana
Tulane University Medical Center, Tulane Law School and Rapides Parish Medical Society

Significant Legal Issues In the Current Practice of Medicine

November 1997, New Orleans
Jefferson Parish Medical Society Annual Meeting

Managed Care Contracting and Medical Ethics

October 1997, New Orleans
Tulane Medical School and Tulane Law School: "Justice and Healthcare: Current Status of the Law and The Future of Medicine"

Managed Care Contracting

April 1997, New Orleans
LSU Law School  

Attorney-Client Privilege, Self-Evaluative Privilege, and Legal Issues Related to Internal Investigations

December 1996, New Orleans
American Academy of Healthcare Attorneys

Ethical Issues in Managed Care

May 1996
LSU Medical School

Organization, Operation, Sale or Dissolution of Ancillary Facilities: The Physician Point of View

April 1996, Atlanta
National Health Lawyers Association

Issues in the Law of Sports Medicine

December 1995, New Orleans
Louisiana Sports Medicine Society Seminar

Current Antitrust Issues in Health Care

November 1994, New Orleans
Louisiana Hospital Association Sixth Annual Health Law Symposium

Ancillary Facilities for Physicians in the 1990's: Formation and Dissolution Issues

June 1994
National Health Lawyers Association

Legal Aspects of Sports Medicine and Liabilities in the Treatment of Athletes

May 1993
Louisiana State Medical Society

The Danger of Catastrophic Medical Expenses: Medicaid Trust, Trusts and Estates

March 1992
LSU Law School

Dealing with Liabilities of Professionals in the Context of Limited Liability Companies and Limited Liability Partnerships

August 1992
City Club of Baton Rouge Seminar

Elder Law-The Danger of Catastrophic Medical Expenses

November 1991
21st Annual Estate Planning Seminar at LSU Law School

Executive Tax Planning

September 1986, New Orleans
Tax Executives Institute

Planning For the Payment of Federal Estate Taxes After the Tax Reform Act of 1976

January 1978
Estate Planning Council of New Orleans

How to Write a Psychiatric Forensic Report for Use in Litigation

October 1977
American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law 

Recent Developments in the Type 'F' Reorganization of Section 368 of the Internal Revenue Code 1976

Louisiana Bar Association, Section on Taxation

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